Knee replacement surgery is now more accurate and successful than ever before thanks to ultra-precise robotic technology. Mako robotic arm-assisted technology, uses a CT-based scan to create a patient-specific 3D model of the knee. This is then used to plan the correct sizing, position and orientation of implants according to the patient’s unique anatomy.

Osteoarthritis can affect either one or both compartments of the knee. The Mako technology targets only those parts of the knee that are affected, replacing diseased bone and ligaments, while targeting only those parts of the knee that are affected, replacing diseased bone and ligaments while leaving the healthy areas untouched.

How it works

A CT-based scan of the affected knee joint will be carried out. This will then be used to create a 3D virtual model of your knee which is uploaded into the Mako system software. From this, a personalised pre-operative plan will be created.

During surgery, Mr Aslam will guide the Mako robotic-assisted arm using your personalised plan as a precise targeted guide. This ensures that only diseased areas are removed, preserving as much healthy bone and tissue as possible to assist with recovery.

The software system allows fine adjustments to the plan during surgery but, restricts the robot moving outside the planned boundaries. There is a burr at the edge of the robotic arm which will only cut where it is supposed to. If it reaches the boundary it will stop. This produces precisely targeted results. The robotic arm moves with fluidity and control, enabling a real time feed in three different dimensions on a screen. The result is the most accurate possible alignment and placement of the knee implant.

This is beneficial because most conventional knee replacement surgery require minor compromises to be made in terms of the sizing and fit of implants. This might lead to discomfort and poorer outcomes over time.

After Mako assisted surgery, you will be set individual personalised goals to help get you back on your feet. You will be closely monitored to ensure your implant is integrating well and you are making a complete recovery.


Mako robotic arm-assisted surgery uses the latest technology to provide the best possible outcomes for patients. It uses smaller incisions than some conventional surgery and causes less soft tissue damage, less exposure and fewer bony resections.

Mako knee replacements feel more like a natural knee because they precisely fit to your unique anatomy.

How can I book a consultation to discuss Mako robotic-arm assisted surgery?


Mr Nadim Aslam, Consultant Orthopaedic Hip & Knee Robotic Surgeon of the Worcestershire Knee and Hip Clinic at Spire South Bank Hospital in Worcester

☏                        01905 362003